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 Spend Time with God through His Inspired Word! 

​“When I read the Bible, I find God is reading me. It's like looking into a Mirror, but when you look into the Bible, you see more than just your body, you will see the Truth about God and your soul and your spirit!"


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     Try Blue Letter Bible Online 

    Try Logos for Online Bible Study 

     Try FaithLife to Study with Others  

     Bible Answers 

     Got Questions? 

     Bible Study Tools 

     What is a "Born Again Christian"? 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ 

The Book of Genesis 1-3
The Book of Deuteronomy 20
The Book of Proverbs  1-3
The Book of Ecclesiastes
Psalms: 1-2, 18-19, 22, 119, 139
Know about the Kings & Prophets of Israel
The Gospel of John - esp. John 3:3, 3:16-17 and 5:24
The Acts of the Apostles 
The Book of Romans - esp. Rom. 3:23
The Book of Hebrews
Understand Revelation
The New Testament/Covenant
James 1:21
Paul's Letters - esp. to the Colossians, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 2:6-7, Thessalonians and Philippians 


“The fear of God is the BEGINNING of Knowledge” Proverbs 9:10 
 1. General & Historical Bible Studies 
   Learn about the History of the Jews, the Early Christians and God's Martyrs for the Kingdom. There has only been ONE Supreme God throughout history, not many..This One True God (YHWH) is Sovereign over the universe...God loves us unconditionally, even before time began and loves us so much that He sent his One and Only Son, Jesus/Messiah, to die for our sins and save us. As we believe in, trust in, and follow Him, He never leaves us or forsakes us! We are confirmed children of God's family through Faith in Christ and His Grace alone! We don't have to do good works, we are compelled to do them by God, who has given us all spiritual gifts and has a Perfect Plan for all life! God knew us before the foundation of the World and He created ALL we see for His Glory!! 

 How To Study the Bible 

 2. God & Gardening 

      Back to Eden Documentary 
 3. Interpreting the Bible 

 4. Theology, Eschatology & Christology 

     The Poetry, Wisdom, Parables & Sayings of Jesus

  "Last Days" PDF Study 
        Are you Native American? - Study at
  Native New Day 
 Beware of Charismatic & Mega-Churches  

 5. Testimony & Witnessing 
Write your Testimony - "The work of God is this: “To believe on the One He sent!” John 6:29
       Make your Cardboard Sign
       Witnessing & Apologetics - Believing in God’s sacrifice for all people which saves all who believe!
       Be natural, listening, vulnerable, brave and direct in sharing the Gospel.

 6. Faith & Discipleship 

      Believing in the Resurrection and being baptized by the Holy Spirit causes you to become a New Creature before God!!
        You are Born Again and receive a new heart that despises sin and repents of all of it (turns away from it) for Life!

        Learn about Believers' relation to the world & how to follow God

   What Now? 
 7. Wisdom Literature from the Bible 
     The Truth sets you free, but deception, lies and opinions lead to bondage.

 8.  Prayer 
 9. Biblical Marriage Concepts 

       What About Divorce?            

        What About Re-Marriage?

 What About Abortion? 

        What About Homosexuality? 

        Bible Study on Homosexuality? 

        Video Bible Study on Homosexual Practice 

 10. Addiction & Recovery  
 11. Authentic Christian Living 

      God grants us grace and gives us the gifts of the Spirit:
        Love (Greek: agape, Latin: caritas)
        Joy (Greek: chara, Latin: gaudium)
        Peace (Greek: eirene, Latin: pax)
        Patience (Greek: makrothumia, Latin: longanimitas)
        Kindness (Greek: chrestotes, Latin: benignitas)
        Goodness (Greek: agathosune, Latin: bonitas)
        Faithfulness (Greek: pistis, Latin: fides)
        Gentleness (Greek: prautes, Latin: modestia)
        Self-control (Greek: egkrateia, Latin: continentia

       What About Being Born-Again?

       What About False Christians?

 12. Spiritual Growth 
   Contact us or Subscribe to Begin your Bible Study Journey Today!!   

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

Just before the First Century A.D., Jesus was born, as prophesied, in Bethlehem (Judea, Israel) of the young Jewish maiden, Mary, who had never had intimacy with a man (a young virgin (as prophesied in Isaiah). Jesus’ name (Yeshua) means, “God saves,” and He was conceived supernaturally as "God Incarnate" by The Holy Spirit of God, also prophesied in Isaiah as Immanuel, which means "God with us."


At about 30 years of age, Jesus preached to the Jews the "Good News" (Gospel) of the arrival of "The Kingdom of God" and that His Kingdom was available to ALL who could hear Messiah, Savior, believe, repent of Sin and be saved!! This means  that Jesus Himself came to Earth, and also made it possible to be within us by His Holy Spirit! When we turn away from our Sin, trust in Him as our Savior and follow Him, He gives us the Holy Spirit as a deposit to ensure our eternal life (See Romans 10:11-12)!


Christ Messiah healed thousands of people! Jesus constantly preached repentance to Israel and warned of the coming judgment. Then, He was betrayed by His own disciple and dear friend, Judas Iscariot. He was completely sinless and innocent but  given mock trials and finally tortured and put to death for the whole world's Sin as God had foretold way back in Genesis 3:15!


After Jesus' brutal crucifixion by the Romans, a rich Jewish Authority (who was born-again and believed Jesus was the Son of God ) was able to retrieve His body from the Cross and bury Him in his empty tomb. Jesus rose from the dead, on the third day after His death, just as He Himself had foretold! His Holy Blood was shed on the Cross, and paid the costliest price for all Sin, for all time! (See Isaiah 53).


Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God, on the Throne of God, and intercedes for all who believe on Him. There is nothing that can stop the continuing sharing of Jesus Christ and His wonderful Gospel of Salvation to all through the forgiveness of Sin!!


Before Jesus gave His life for our Sin, He gave us the New Covenant of God (In His Blood) so that those who believe in His death and resurrection might REPENT of their sins and be forgiven and also turn away from sinning, to trust in Jesus as God and the Lord of their Eternal Life. Believing Christians who continue in the work of following Jesus, their Savior, shall be saved from the wrath of God, which is still to come against all sin and against all unbelievers and evildoers.

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